
L2 Multicast Service


An effective option for one-to-many transmission is Layer 2 Multicast.

A single source, or server, may interact with a small number of recipients thanks to multicast technology. It sits between the 1:all approach offered by broadcast and the 1:1 communication model made possible by unicast. When using multicast, the communication source only produces one data stream, which keeps the network load constant and improves performance. The network management system's intelligence copies the data stream as late as feasible in the transmission and sends it to the people who have requested it. By doing this, traffic is prevented from unnecessarily clogging the network and taxing the server.

Introducing India's first-ever video connect service. In order to secure a connection between the source and several receivers, network connections that form a tree are used to transmit video content for multicast services. Our Layer 2 Switch system broadcasts data to several end points concurrently while copying data from the source. High bandwidth gains and multimedia broadcasting efficiency are guaranteed by the use of single stream data transfer. Major campuses with CCTV: As a result of the experiences of many foreign markets, CCTV monitoring is becoming essential in many huge public or semi-public institutions, including as airports, military installations, and even large corporate campuses. CCTV feed management may be made affordable, adaptable, and scalable through layer 2 multicast.

Financial information: Having the lowest latency to send pertinent financial news to traders is vitally crucial since, in a financial trading environment, real-time means money. For example, a Layer 2 Multicast system supports the in-the-moment needs of financial traders by delivering exceptionally quick and dependable traffic streams to share price terminals. Sports score updates and headline tickers might use the same approach.

Benefits of Using L2 Multicast Service from Tata Tele.

  • Simplex communication (1 way)
  • Multiple scalable bandwidth options
  • Drop and forward
  • Service availability
  • Last mile options
  • Multicast Service